Faith, Family


I don’t normally make requests on this blog. I have no idea if there’s any point since there’s no way to know who reads this or how many views it receives. But I’m going to take a leap of faith and put a request out there, trusting that God works in hidden ways and maybe this blog can be part of that.

I have a friend who is dying. I can’t help but begin to cry as I type this. Amy, who is in her early thirties, has been living with a brain tumor for the last few years. Every day that she’s had since the tumor took hold has been a true miracle as the tumor is inoperable. With treatments and a great deal of prayer, the tumor had stopped growing for some time. However this is no longer the case and it has begun spreading significantly. All that is left to hope for is a miracle. Be it God’s will, He is more than capable of providing that miracle. His will is so often hidden though.

These circumstances have me consumed with thoughts of loss and hope and the insufficiency of our own strength to sustain our own lives. As the person in Amy’s family that I am closest to is her younger brother, I look upon the situation with the eyes of a sibling and my heart breaks for my dear friend, Mike. Even the imagining of losing one of my sisters is too much for me to dwell on for more than a few seconds.

Would you pray for Amy? Pray for a miracle, if it be God’s will to continue her earthly life, to happen soon; for acceptance of God’s choice in Amy’s heart and the hearts of all of her family , whatever that divine choice ends up being; for consolation for Amy as she suffers, for her husband as he suffers at her side, for her dear and wonderful parents and siblings. They all need to be buoyed by prayers.

1 thought on “Please?”

  1. Your submission to His will, and your praying for it to be done is truly inspiring. You have my prayers. God bless Amy & her family!


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